Staying Green with Custom Plantation Shutters

In today’s world, we are now more aware than ever of our impact on the planet’s environment.  People are switching to greener options everywhere, in an effort to preserve the dwindling natural resources (and natural beauty) of Earth.  Pollution is being reduced, many materials are being reused and recycled, and energy usage is being cut back, both due to cost and ecological effect.  However, not many people realize that custom plantation shutters can, too, help reduce environmental impact.  And there are ways of making such shutters even greener.  Here are some things to consider regarding the effect of custom plantation shutters on sustainability.

4 Reasons Plantation Shutters are Considered Green

1. First, plantation shutters are, in and of themselves, a green investment, and are considered more environmentally-friendly than other window coverings.  This is due to several factors.  Plantation shutters provide insulation, unlike curtains or blinds, which keeps the heat inside in the winter and cool air in during summer months.  This helps save money on heating/cooling bills, because homeowners don’t need to use their AC when the house is already cool.  Plus, homeowners save even more energy during spring and fall months by using their shutters to adjust the temperature in the house. 

2. Second, plantation shutters, if properly maintained, can last a lifetime.  This not only saves money and increases the resale value of a house, but it also reduces the household waste produced, as a homeowner using plantation shutters is not discarding old blinds and curtains every few years.

3. Third, companies have the ability to further reduce the environmental impact of their plantation shutters, thus making a green investment even greener.  Some companies make an effort to minimize their “carbon footprint” (the amount of emissions and pollutants produced by their practices) by only delivering their product locally, and by using biodegradable packaging material (such as some cardboards or papers, rather than plastic or Styrofoam).  Other companies make an effort to avoid using toxic or volatile chemicals in their paints, glues or finishes.  This is especially important because many paints produce toxic fumes that both pollute the environment and can cause health problems in animals and humans. 

Choosing Hardwood Plantation Shutters

4. Fourth, the very material they are made of can be used to promote greener living.  Custom plantation shutters that are made of wood actually end up having less environmental impact than those made of other materials.  This is due to the fact that wood is a renewable resource.  In fact, if shutters are made with North American Basswood, there is actually a net increase in the tree population, as this breed of basswood grows more quickly than it is harvested.  By focusing on other breeds of trees that can be easily replenished, companies can cut back on their demand on the dwindling oil supply, as well as help preserve the existing resources of the land.

Custom plantation shutters are an elegant, stylish way to save money and reduce one’s impact on the environment.  The short-term purchase price for them is well worth it because of the long-term benefits that such well-made shutters provide.